Experience powerful customer growth

With over 12M+ unique contacts acquired for customers, MyGuestlist understands data.

Multiple growth channels

Explore over 13 different customer data growth mechanisms spread across online channels, social, mobile and on-premise.

Data sanitisation

MyGuestlist contanstly analyses and tests the validity of your data.

Better segmentation than usual

Segmenting customer data is a science. Using MyGuestlist, you'll learn the better way to segment.

Advanced automation

Automation can be based around real-world customer activity. Not just online behaviour.


Maintain a global source of truth for all your data.


Synchronise any or all of your existing systems together with MyGuestlist.


Hundreds of servers spread around the globe power MyGuestlist. You will never lose any data.


No matter how large or complex your data is, MyGuestlist ensures all invalid entries are discarded via a scheduled, automated data cleanse.


Powerful APIs allow for data connectivity across all your applications and systems.

Some of the brands we've worked with

Seen enough? Discover why 3,000 businesses trust MyGuestlist's software and team and get in touch